Alright, let me go ahead and set the tone here. I am not a writer. So I apologize for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and poor structure. I'm a Physical Therapist. So if you feel the need to mock, then you can go ahead and leave or I will cross friction massage the hell out of your tight IT band, make you do a 3-minute wall sit, or some other equally uncomfortable treatment(I kid...a little).
So why am I doing this? Well, ranked pretty high on my bucket list has always been to run the Disney Princess Half Marathon in Orlando, Florida. One, because I kinda enjoy running, and two because...well... DISNEY! Yep, I'm one of those people. I'm the one who walks into the park and can't stop smiling, instantly reverting to little Tina, as I remember all the times I've gone as a child. I'm also the one fighting back happy tears as the fireworks shoot off over Cinderella's castle (My husband will tell you, it's true). So that's why this particular half marathon is important to me. The reason I felt like blogging about it is because in my search to get some guidance in my training from fellow Type 1 Diabetics, the results were few and far between. So hey, why not put something out there right?!
My vision for this is to have you follow me through my journey, learn a little about my living a healthy life with Diabetes, and maybe I can encourage you to achieve one of your own goals! I also hope you can encourage me when times get rough (training for a half marathon in the midwest snow...need I say more?), and when I feel like my body cannot take it anymore. I know I have at least one reader. Hi Mister! And I hope to gain a few more along the way.
