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  • Writer's pictureTina

Day 1: Mind Over Matter

Running is all mental. And I don't mean you are mental for choosing to run. I mean we are our worst enemies, critics, etc. As a mother of the world's cutest boy ( obviously I'm biased), my days are busy! I have a list a mile long for excuses not to run. Today, day one of my training, was no different.

(1) I don't get home from work until 5:30ish

(2) We scheduled a phone conference with our financial guy at 5:45.

(3) dinner needs to me made

(4) kid needs to be put to bed

(5)Cubs play tonight.

(6) It's starting to get darker earlier

And I'm sure the list goes on. But then I remembered, I'm doing this for me. The only person that gets hurt by not sticking to my plan is me. So I did it. I ran my 3 miles after my phone conference, while my husband so lovingly prepared dinner and put little guy to bed. The quickly arriving nightfall was motivation to kick my butt into gear and helped me run faster. The run helped me clear my head after that oh-so-fun finance conversation. I even made it back in time to watch the Cubs! With the help of my husband, I made that list of reasons why not to run into my list of reasons/motivation to run. Moral of the story, sometimes we have to put ourselves first(yes, I'm talking to all you mothers and wives) in order to be our best selves for our families.


1st Month of training schedule. Credit to Mister, my hubby and "coach".

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